304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM



Bulk uploading files in Hosts Login to File server using WinSCP. Upload files and folders to /home/ImportFiles directory. Go back to /home and go to properties of ImportFiles Select Apache for both owner and group. And then check “Set owner, group, and permission recursively.“…

[Devlog #23] First App: Game Following

This is our first app. it is also etremely handy tool to track your favorite games’ updates. Now you can see a button in right side in every game page which you can press and follow that game. Then you…

[Devlog #22] Dashboard and stuffs

We have designed the dashboard and there are more tools available for you. We have also done base coding of app system which will host many useful tools for you in future. Please login in v2 and go to dashboard…

[Devlog #21] Recommendation button in Review

Now you can select one of two buttons while writting a review. If you recommend a game, select Recommend button, if not, select Not Recommend button. We will use this statics in Archive and listing so that users can find…

[Devlog #20] Review Section Improvement

We have worked farther on review section. We ditched the idea of transforming comment section to Review section instead, we have created the review section from scratch. We will be adding more eliments to this section as the development goes…

[Devlog #19] Account Page

Hope you all are doing well in this difficult time. We are closer to releasing v2 than ever. Almost 75% of works are done. we have added an account page where you can edit account and avatars. -LZdev team.

[DevLog #18] Responsiveness Fix

We have fixed several responsibility issues of the site for mobile users. The login button and menu are in proper position, Images are shown correctly and overall better experience. -LZdev Team